What is digital marketing and why you need it
Digital marketing is the way of the future! It encompasses a variety of powerful tools that can help get your brand in front of customers, from email blasts and search engine optimization to social media campaigns. Not only will you be able to reach more people than ever before but you'll also have access to valuable data about who's engaging with your content so that you can dial-in on what works best for them. With digital marketing, it’s never been easier or more important to connect directly with potential customers - let's dive into how it all works now!
When it comes to content and digital marketing, it's all about engagement. Content production is the key for a successful digital marketing strategy. Companies need to invest in content creation if they want to get traction online and generate leads.
Content creation goes beyond simply publishing content -- it's an ongoing process that requires planning, research, and creative effort. When done right, content can engage your target audience and help build relationships with customers or potential clients. It also allows companies to establish their expertise on a certain topic and become thought leaders in their industry.
Content production should be seen as an investment rather than a cost. With the right content plan in place, companies can easily increase their visibility online, and create valuable content that resonates with their audiences.
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is an important part of the modern world; it's how we help promote our products and brands on various electronic devices today. In its simplest terms, digital marketing encompasses a variety of activities such as email campaigns, mobile app development, web design - you name it! But with so many different types like paid ads (Facebook Ads) owned media channels (blogs), earned visibility through organic searches and shared content across networks--it can be hard to keep track of them all! With Trie House guiding you along your way however, there'll never be any trouble comprehending these concepts or promoting your brand in 2023.
Digital Marketing can be broken up into three main categories
Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Advertising and Email Marketing are essential for any business wishing to expand its reach in the digital space. Through SEO techniques such as keyword research and link building, businesses can increase visibility on search engines like Google – taking your brand's exposure to new heights. Similarly, through leveraging platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram you can further engage with potential customers; directly showing off what makes your company unique while tactfully introducing them to its services! Last but not least is email marketing which remains one of the most powerful methods out there having sent over two billion emails every single day - that's an incredible amount of opportunities right at hand!
Types of Digital Marketing
“Digital ad-spend predicted to surpass $100 billion annually in 2023, it’s clear that this trend is here to stay”
As people increasingly turn to their digital devices for entertainment, communication and daily activities, companies are looking for new ways of connecting with customers. Big brands have embraced the potential offered by modern platforms like Facebook Live, Instagram Stories or Snapchat Discover as an alternative to costly TV commercials. Mobile apps and webpages also offer businesses a direct connection that allows them to promote products straight into consumers' pockets without spending huge amounts of money on traditional marketing methods. With Digital ad-spend predicted to surpass $100 billion annually in 2023, it's clear that this trend is here to stay - revolutionizing how we buy our favorite items online!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential part of getting your website to rank highly in online search engine results. The task includes three main components: OnePage, Off-Page and Technical SEO; each focusing on a different aspect of optimization. For example, with OnePage you are optimizing title tags, meta descriptions and content for maximum readability by the user as well as crawlers from Google or Bing - making sure keywords appear naturally throughout web page text without going overboard! To really elevate ranking scores though it is also crucial that offsite links are built too which direct people towards relevant pages within your own site thereby increasing its authority score among other websites. Alternatively, technical SEO deals mostly with improving how easily sites can be crawled by search engines so they index much quicker – something most often dealt with via algorithms such as HTML & CSS code changes when needed.
On-Page SEO
Title tags should be between 60 and 80 characters long and include relevant keywords. You may also want to consider using H1 and H2 tags.
Meta Descriptions: Meta descriptions are HTML attributes that provide additional information about a web page’s title tag (H1). An excellent meta description makes a page more likely to appear in search results. You’ll need to do keyword research to optimize your meta description. Write several different versions of the same meta description and test which version gets the best click-through rate. It’s also helpful to add an image, but make sure not to put too much text next to the idea, which could look spammy.
On-Page Content: The body copy on your homepage should be optimized for both users and search engines. Include keywords in the first paragraph and any special deals or promotions. Make sure to keep the length under 2,000 words.
Off-Page SEO
Backlinks: Backlinks are links pointing to your site from another site. Google considers links as votes for your site. Get as many votes as possible. Every link helps! You can get links from forums, blogs, directories, articles, press releases, and even paid services such as Article Spinners. But beware of buying links. There are often flagged by Google and can get your account banned. If you buy links, try to find sites with similar content to yours and leave comments on those sites’ blog posts.
Pay-per-click marketing
Rather than spending money blindly on online advertising, pay-per-click campaigns give businesses the opportunity to target their desired audience for a fixed amount. Through keyword optimization and clever calls-to-action in ad copy, companies can enhance the visibility of ads dramatically and increase leads from customers who already have an interest in what they offer. This is not always easy; extensive training may be required to ensure successful digital marketing strategies are employed - but when done right it could prove invaluable!
Keyword Research
Keywords are words that describe your products or services, and they’re used to help people find your business online. Your goal is to choose the best keywords that accurately reflect your business. For instance, if you’re selling shoes, you’d start with “shoes,” “cheap shoes,” and similar terms. You’ll also want to look for long-tail keywords like “best shoe store near me.” This way, you’ll attract customers by searching for those exact phrases. There a lot of powerful keyword tools out there but here are two we use quite often: For Display Purposes Only and Keyword Tool.
Ad Copy Writing
Jump-start your PPC success with SEMrush or Ubersuggest! These popular optimization tools give you access to hundreds of metrics so that you can hone in on the perfect ad copy and messaging for your campaign, from traffic sources to competitor analysis - all under one roof! Take control of your digital marketing strategy today by comparing performance against competitors' campaigns with free & easy tools like this at hand.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a type of online advertising that lets businesses reward people with commissions for referring customers through their own efforts. It allows companies to reach more potential customers, attract new customers, and increase sales revenue. The affiliate model works by paying rewards to “affiliates” who spread the word about a product or service in exchange for a commission when someone buys using their link. Affiliate marketing has proven to be an effective way of increasing web traffic and generating leads while providing great value to businesses and customers alike.
Native Advertising
Advertising companies are getting creative with how they capture consumer attention. Native advertising is their method of choice, where ads blend in seamlessly with the articles that readers enjoy and trust - making it feel like what they're seeing is genuine while still earning visibility for a brand or product. Ads might take the form of banners next to stories about new restaurants opening up, or recipes introducing consumers to exciting launches. In 2016, Facebook made an announcement revolutionizing even more so this tactic by giving advertisers access directly to newsfeeds across its platform; marketing without being intrusive!
Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is a dynamic way for brands to enlist advocates who can help promote their products or services. Stars such as athletes, musicians, and actors have long been used by companies to boost sales - but it doesn’t stop there! Bloggers/journalists, vloggers, and YouTubers are just some of the influencers that can be tapped into; each providing an array of special qualities ranging from fame & recognition (e.g celebrities), passion & loyalty (blogging), and accurate information dissemination (journalism). All these represent powerful forces capable of driving trends in this fast-paced world we live in today!
Marketing Automation
Marketing automation is a tool that helps businesses automate their marketing tasks. It can create and manage marketing campaigns, track customer engagement, and measure marketing performance. Marketing automation can help companies to save time and money and improve their marketing effectiveness.
Here is a list of everyday marketing automation tasks that a marketing automation coordinator can handle:
Create and manage lead generation campaigns
Set and track KPIs for campaigns
Manage and update campaign content
Create and update landing pages for campaigns
Set and manage CRM sync schedules
Set and manage email autoresponders for campaigns
Developed task-tracking apps to automate follow-up emails
Set and contain drip email sequences
Set up A/B testing for campaign pages
Analyze campaign results and adjust
Setup webhooks to automate follow-up actions such as automatically sending new leads to sales or closing leads.
Set up integrated analytics dashboards. A marketing automation solution allows users to schedule automatic email messages through various email providers, including Gmail and other Google-powered email services, such as Google Apps for Work or Salesforce.
Marketing automation via email has been around for a long time. Still, several significant changes over the last few years have significantly increased the power of automated email marketing and made it even more effective.
Mobile Marketing
As mobile use continues to skyrocket, savvy businesses are taking strides to stay competitive by utilizing the power of mobile marketing. From enticing banner ads and eye-catching push notifications, all the way through engaging apps - investing in this space can be a total game changer for any company looking to make an impact on their target audience's lives. With experts projecting that spending on these types of campaigns will reach over 11 billion dollars within just two years, it’s clear why small business owners need to start thinking outside the box when it comes to advertising techniques if they want to get ahead in today’s digital world. Now more than ever is a time for companies everywhere to tap into new tech possibilities via mobile devices – offering fresh ways to create memorable experiences with prospects and existing customers each step along the journey!
SMS Messaging
Everyone from teenagers to grandparents is familiar with the convenience of texting today, and it's no surprise since an estimated 90% of American adults own cell phones. Yet, many organizations are still missing out on a key marketing tool: SMS messaging. Why should you use texts as part of your promotional strategy? Here are three compelling reasons why going mobile could benefit your brand even more than traditional methods:
Reach Everyone Everywhere - Whether they have a tablet or not, everyone can be reached through text messages-including those resistant to providing their phone number for calls!
Immediate Interaction - Texts provide instantaneous feedback that other forms just don't offer so customers feel connected right away.
Trends & Insights – When businesses collect data about customer behavior via texts over time patterns will emerge which help them understand user habits better and shape strategies accordingly for future campaigns.
Video Marketing
Video marketing is an incredibly effective way to increase your brand's visibility and drive sales, yet there are many more solutions than just posting videos on social media. Here are some helpful tips that will help you make the most of video content in order to reach success: Focus on creating engaging visuals-whether it be through images or animation-to capture people's attention and interest while telling a story. You'll want viewers asking what comes next; keeping them hooked until the end!
1. Create Videos That Tell A Story
The best video to market your product or service is one that tells a story. People want to know what happens next, and they want to see how things turn out. Therefore, movies work so well. Your job is to tell a story that keeps people interested enough to keep watching.
2. Use Visuals to Impress and Engage
People love visuals. So don’t underestimate the power of images. You could post a picture of your product or service and text describing it. Or you could take a more creative approach and show a short video that illustrates your product’s work. Ensure to include visual elements such as arrows, labels, buttons, and icons. These small touches will make your video look professional and polished.
3. Include Calls to Action
You’ve heard the term “call to action.” It refers to words or phrases that prompt someone to do something. For example, if I wanted to buy a book, I might say, “Buy my book now!” If you’re trying to sell a product or service, there’s no better call to action than “buy now.” What does that mean? It means that you want visitors to act immediately. Don’t waste time talking about your product or service. Instead, give visitors a reason to work now.
Social Media Marketing
Social media is a powerful tool that builds relationships and brings brands to life. With an effective social strategy, you can open up new doors of opportunity by connecting with influencers for leads or using paid ads to reach more people than ever before with your content. Optimizing user engagement through the four essential categories - content creation, relationship building, promotion strategies and monitoring results - allows conversations to take place on any platform about what matters most: bringing in business! Hiring a professional social media firm ensures maximum efficiency when it comes time to make noise online; after all successful campaigns don’t just happen overnight- they require strategic insight from marketing mavens who understand how best to utilize this invaluable resource we call “social".
Facebook for Business
FB4B is revolutionizing the way businesses connect with their customers. Through powerful content that's optimized for Facebook, you can reach new levels of brand awareness and engagement - ultimately leading to more conversions! Utilize this tool in combination with other social networks like Twitter or Instagram to craft a unique influencer strategy tailored to your organization’s goals. With FB4B, there has never been an easier (or cooler!) way to stay ahead of the game when it comes to popular trends on digital media platforms.
Content Marketing
Many think “content marketing” is about creating great blogs or social media posts. But it’s much bigger than that. Content marketing includes everything, from email to banners. And it’s an effective way to reach new audiences. Your content needs to be relevant to your target market. Here are some tips for making sure you’re doing content marketing correctly.
Create Great Content
You don’t need to create bland, static content. Think creatively, and be creative. Experiment with podcasts, videos, interactive content, and more.
Use Images
Don’t underestimate the power of images. Research shows that content with images is 42% more likely to be read than content without images. And 42% of your visitors will act after only 4 seconds of an image.
Use Video
Do you have a product you sell or a service you offer? Are you interested in the latest trends in your industry? Then you have something worth sharing with your audience. Video can tell a story and engage your viewers.
Build a Content Calendar
A content calendar organizes your main content themes along with pre-planned supporting content. A good calendar will help keep you on track and ensure your content isn’t missing any elements.
Make sure each piece of content has a specific purpose or goal. Otherwise, your audience may become confused and lose interest. With a purpose in mind, they’ll be more likely to keep reading—and acting on your prompts.
Give Each Piece of Content a Goal
Each piece of content should have a specific purpose, which will help it be more likely to be read and acted upon. Here are some examples of goals for content to help you create more engaging pieces of content.
Use Content as Promotional Tool
You can use content in a variety of ways for your business:
Provide quality content for your site (whether written or video)
Promote an event or product
Introduce a new product or service
Make a sale
Build brand awareness
Start with one niche or group of interests that represents the audience you have in mind. Then, start your marketing plan by creating different content at distinct levels to target these people.
What is email marketing?
With the number of emails sent and received worldwide growing rapidly every year, email marketing has emerged as an essential weapon in a marketer's arsenal to reach customers. With 4.75 billion estimated global accounts by 2021 - 12.8% growth between 2011-2021 alone - businesses have more opportunities than ever before to engage with their audiences directly through personalized inbox messages like newsletters, event invitations, and promotional offers at scale!
Email marketing is a powerful tool to forge relationships with customers and build loyalty. Reach out directly to your customer base in an engaging way, through tailored messages that cater specifically to their needs. Send relevant tips, tricks and promotions that will help make them feel appreciated--ultimately helping create repeat business opportunities for you! Monitor the results of each message sent so as not to miss valuable feedback or insights on what’s resonating best with your target audience.
Website Marketing
When it comes to targeting customers and increasing sales, having an effective website is essential. Creating a well-designed, modern site that’s easy to use on any device takes some serious effort–but don't worry! With these helpful tips, you can get the most out of your digital marketing campaign. Let's say you're selling clothing during fall – scarves, boots jackets - think about which platforms will work best for reaching potential shoppers then construct a plan accordingly— make sure designing your website comes first because without one there won't be anyone looking at what else you have in store!
Digital Marketing Challenges in 2023
Navigating the fast-paced digital landscape has become an increasingly difficult task for marketers. With consumer expectations rising and technology constantly evolving, companies must stay ahead of the curve just to keep up! But unfortunately, recent studies have revealed that most are not equipped for this challenge; Accenture's survey showed half of the surveyed businesses feeling unprepared. And it’s hardly surprising when even having a single coherent marketing strategy across multiple channels can be impossible with all available data at their disposal - from emails to social media posts - becoming too much information overload on consumers who may already feel overwhelmed by connectivity in today’s world. To effectively target digitally savvy audiences and stand out among competitors, it is essential to find creative ways beyond traditional marketing tactics like email campaigns or ads on search engines if one wants success in reaching potential customers now more than ever before!
As the digital age continues to take hold, companies are quickly adapting to take advantage of its power. Digital marketing has opened up countless opportunities for businesses looking to promote their products and services online; it is a much more cost-effective way than traditional print or broadcast advertising. From search engine optimization (SEO) strategies that ensure your content reaches as many customers as possible, to email campaigns targeting potential consumers with customized messages – these new techniques can be extremely beneficial for small business owners who want greater visibility in today's crowded market!
If you and your team need to make investments in digital and content marketing efforts but are not sure how or where to get started, send us a message so we can help. We have numerous resources and years of experience building one-off projects to architecting multi-year content growth plans for companies of all sizes.